The WUMF held its 1st World Championship in Crawley. The event was run over 3 days (July 21st to 23rd) and brought together some of the finest martial artists from across
the globe. Partciptation from over 19 countries, 1000 participants, 100 officials and 10 Tatamis..
With 92 categories covering Individual Kata, Team Kata and various forms of Kumite, the experience was open to all,
from age groups below 10 and to the over 50's!!
And of course we had to be there!..
And how did we do...

Peter Trembeth -World Champion (Gold) Over 35 Individual Kata
Maria Patrick - Third place (Bronze) Veterans Ladies Individual Kata
Jonathan Clayton, Tony Andersson, Gary Leyshon - Third place (Bronze) Team (Veterans/ Masters) Kata
Ravi Heer - Second place (Silver) Senior Mens Shobu Nihon Kumite Veterans
Gary Leyshon - Mirror B Referee Qualified; Veterans/Masters Award
Jonathan Clayton - Joint Second place (Silver) Over 50 Veterans Kata
There are also commemorative medals for participants who were not awarded prizes.
" The event has also provided some new Worldwide friendships and produced wonderful moments of camaraderie , that is the greatest benefit of this weekend and supports Funakoshi Sensei's wish, i.e.,
"The ultimate aim of karate, lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants"
How well that was demonstrated at the championship.
Thanks to all of you for your support. Oss
- Sensei "